Jordi graduated as Licenciat in Veterinary Medicine fromthe Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) in 2003.During his studies, he spent 2 years in the École NationaleVétérinaire d’Alfort, Paris (France) and worked in fi rstopinion practice there, before going back to Spain. He thencompleted an 18-months internship at the Hospital ClínicVeterinari (HCV-UAB) in Barcelona, fi nishing in October2004. After three and a half years working in private practicein Barcelona he moved to Liverpool to take the positionas Resident in small animal Cardiology. Jordi is currentlyworking towards his PhD about the natural history of mitralvalve disease in dogs, at the Royal Veterinary College inLondon.Jordi was given the opportunity to give an oral presentation ofhis case during Ceva’s second Human and Veterinary CrosstalkSymposium that took place in Bordeaux on October 2011.